About our "pata". It's emergency ! Sir, I apologize for my bad English, I use a software translating French in English. In visit to Ghana in Africa, Obama explained that Africa could not develop itself if its leaders didn't decide to fight against the corruption. Some weeks later, Hillary Clinton exhorted Angola and Nigeria to fight against the corruption on the occasion of one visit of two days at the beginning of August 2009. Last week the president of Mexique Calderon declare the war to the corruption, he dismissed several thousands of civil servants suspected of corruption or understanding with the drug dealers that he replaced by soldiers. Would not it be necessary to make the same thing in India ? It is just a proposition It is not a luck if India is the country that counts the strongest percentage of illiterates through the world, more of 60% of its population, as it is not either a luck if the weight of India in the world trade is petty and to the same level about that Africa, between 2 and 3%. It is not the British Raj, nor the French or Portuguese imperialism that is responsible for this situation, but well the leaders who followed the head of the Indian union since 1947. I know better than most Indians themselves the history of India since the invasion of the north of India by Aryan tribes come from central Asia has 3500 years about. Now you didn't find useful to answer my mail and letter, I don't know you and you don't know me. French professor, I am as independent journalist for several national French dailies. I am also a militant of the human rights, an atheist and rationalist, committed in the fight against the inequalities and the injustices everywhere in the world, for the democracy. I don't look at all like the foreigners who come to get settled in India to exploit misery, to find some young girls or to take drugs. As I am a friend of India working daily to its development with my modest means. My experience in the village where we are living in is the worse of my life existence, because of the generalized corruption that reigns in the district of Kottakuppam or the collusion of interests that exists between a villain (poriki), one politician and the police, for me it is the same thing. The tryptique, money, power and politics is the worse that can exist for a country and people. It exists in all countries, all is then a question of proportion. Absolutely nothing can justify the corruption outside of the personal thirst of the power and money to the detriment of the development of the country. For this reason, it is every citizen's duty to denounce the corruption and to fight it so that the fate of the whole population can improve for a long time. More one rises in the social hierarchy, more this responsibility is incumbent upon us. The world change quickly and India will be obliged to change. The villain V. Mani that directs our village, the V.A.O officer of Kottakuppam, the Dasildar of Vanur, the Talaivar of Kottakuppam and his father, the inspectors and the sub-inspectors of Kottakuppam police station are mindless in fact. Thus, they think that they are absolutely able all to take the liberty without being worried by the justice, it is not it that will stop my action against them so that the justice triumphs. Gandhi, doctor Ambedkar and a lot of other personalities fought in the past for the respect of the democracy in India, against the system of the castes for example or for the rights of the women and the poorests. It is for the future of the whole nation. We cannot live happy and peacefull in a country gangrened by the corruption, it is my conviction and my experience. The immense majority of the population is not happy in India, gnawed by individualism, the jealousy, the hypocrisy or the fear. Every body is brocker, think business and speak only money, except us ! When I was a professor to the French alliance of Pondichéry, 99% of the students dreamed to leave India, I exhorted them to remain in India while explaining to them that France or the west was not the paradise, that they had to take their destiny between their hands instead of losing interest of what happened in India, I would confess you that were arranged very little to listen to me. As professor in an Indian establishment, patiently day after day, I always taught good advices to my Indian students. I didn't have to judge their bad habits, without distinction I considered them as my own family or my children. Now you know my frame of mind that won't change anymore, I am 54 old. Do you want to kill my wife Magueswary ? I have a question to ask you : would you accept that someone says that your wife is a whore without reacting in police station ? My wife underwent four cardiac interventions of which two operations, the last three years ago, she lasted more than 10 hours, she remained 45 days in intensive care room, five months in hospital, then again three months... Just after her operation, she made a hemorrhage to the heart and to the brain. The surgeon said that in 90% of the cases, the patients would die at the time of this operation, the implantation of two valves inside the heart. She didn't die! She has a very heavy treatment to life and must undergo a control every fifteen days. The physicians told to him that it was absolutely necessary that she avoids to be stressed, that she had to remain quiet, because stress acts on the blood pressure. Yesterday 14th August she called me from France and told me that her blood pressure is the worse since her operation. She is afraid to die alone any time in fact. Can you understand that our situation need emergency solution ? This history, our forced separation can kill her, I don't know if you are conscious of the gravity of the situation. Because of her decreases of blood tension, she has some uneasiness regularly, the physicians told to her that she had to not live alone, that someone was necessary permanently with her, day and night. However today, she is alone in France and her husband is alone in India. It is to put an end as early as possible to this situation that I write you, you have the power to settle our problem, do it quicky, please ! I forgot to specify that we don't know if the pata exists or not, if it doesn't exist and that the panchayat sold us a land that didn't belong to him because it belonged to the State of India, we will change our complaint, we will lodge a complaint for swindle, racket and threat of death. If you look well at the portraits that appear on the last streamers of Chanmuggan and his son Jayamurthy, you will notice that it misses the villain V. Mani, they should have withdrawn it because of my complaint. I dare to hope that you will understand the content of this letter and that you will be willing to help us to solve our problem as quickly as possible to leave this village. I am not able to imagine one second that you will support the villain V. Mani that finally wants to steal our house and our land. I am at your service to provide you some complementary informations if you wish it, we don't have anything to hide, we consider that the honesty is a non-negotiable principle that we cannot transgress under any. I am ready to meet you if you want it. You can find all our letters and photos at this address : www.meltl.com/kottakuppam/kottakuppam.htm. We shall them by registered post in a few days. Waiting your reply as quickly as possible. We thank you for your attention while addressing you our respectful greetings. This letter was written by Magueswary and Jean-Claude Tardieu her husband. With our respectful greetings. Magueswary and Jean-Claude Tardieu